Monthly Archives: November 2006


Accord to set up anti-terror group with UK: Taliban an Afghan issue: Musharraf


India tests a nuclear-capable ballistic missile


Hezbollah has called for mass protests in an effort to topple the Lebanese government. UNIFIL announces it has seized rockets, missiles, launchers and munition stockpiles in southern Lebanon.


Pentagon review sees 3 options in Iraq


Saddam trial “fundamentally flawed”


Pakistan for foreign troops withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iraq


The Islamic Courts ambushed an Ethiopian convoy of 80 vehicles heading to Biadoa. Six soldiers were killed an 20 wounded after 2 vehicles were hit by IEDs, then a skirmish broke out. TFG President Yusuf urges 3,000 cadets training in Baidoa to defend their country. The ICU officially banned khat, and has shut down a […]


The IAF struck a car with a Hamas terrorist, killing 1 and wounding 9. The IDF arrested 18 suspects in the West Bank. The IDF may be sent in to demolish terrorist homes if human shields are used.

Fighting the Sunni Insurgency

Recent Iraqi and Coalition combat operations in Kirkuk, Baquba, Yusifiyah and Ramadi Iraqi army soldiers and 82nd Airborne Division Paratroopers discuss their upcoming mission, Operation Portland, Oct. 28, 2006, at an Iraqi army base near Tikrit. U.S. Army photo by SSgt. Michael J. Carden. Click image to view. Over the past week, U.S. and Iraqi […]

CTC and The Militant Ideology Atlas

The Combating Terrorism Center report on jihadi intellectuals and a strategy to fight them; media reports of bin Laden and Zawahiri “losing influence” misinterpretted the findings Jihadi circles of influence. Click image to view. The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point has released a study “of the Jihadi Movement’s top thinkers and their most popular […]


More than 50 killed in attacks in Iraq

Al Qaeda

Convicted al Qaeda bomb-making expert conducted dry runs at Ireland airports


U.N. Says Sudan Committing Acts of ‘Inexplicable Terror’ Against Civilians in Darfur


Denmark open to moving troops to Baghdad


Muslim insurgents are targeting Buddhist in the Thai south; 6 were killed over the past several days. One was shot, killed and partially decapitated. Human Rights watch called on insurgents to stop targeting civilians and said 30 civilians have been killed or wounded the past week.


The Taliban are openly using Pakistan to recover from wounds sustained during fighting in Afghanistan. Police arrested a man for plotting to blow up the Army Corps HQ in Peshawar. Friday’s Peshawar bomber carried his ID and telephone book, and has been traced back to a mosque.


Iraqi and U.S. forces killed 18 Sunni insurgents in a battle in Baquba. Eight terrorists are killed in a Ramadi raid. The Iraqi Army believes it has identified the location of captured western security contractors near Basra. A SCIRI leader is assassinated. Henry Kissenger said Iraq is not ready for democracy, stability should come first.

Iraq Embed Update

Originally posted on November 15. This post will remain at top for a few days longer. Scroll down for updates. Clockwise: Bill “at work” with Alex (6), Jaime (2) and Sarah (4). Click image to view. I’ll be heading to Iraq in about 2 weeks. I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the […]


Coalition Forces killed 11 terrorists and detained 24 suspects in multiple raids


Military kills two PKK activities in Southeast Turkey


A Shifting Enemy: US Generals Say Civil War, Not Insurgency, Is Greatest Threat

Dutch Muslims unhappy with proposed burqa ban


Terrorist attacks feared for US President’s visit to Indonesia