Monthly Archives: November 2006


Maulana Fazlur Rahman., the secretary-general of the MMA, said NATO and the Afghan government must make peace with the Taliban, and the war was against Islam. Forty-seven suspected Taliban were arrested in Quetta. Dawn’s kidnapped journalist has been freed. He was beaten and “repeatedly questioned about his work in the tribal areas and his sources […]


Flaws Cited in Effort To Train Iraqi Forces


(Israel) Sderot rocket victim dies of his wounds


Spiegel looks at the German involvement in Afghanistan and the political ‘caveats’ that limits NATO from managing the fight. “A notebook, always within reach, contains the political factors — and they take precedence… It contains 102 clauses that regulate the latitude for deployments and movements of the various national troop contingents.”

China woos India and Pakistan with nuclear know-how


Annan says US is ‘trapped in Iraq™


Gemayel reaction: ‘The hands of Syria are all over the place’


US troops blow up cars in Baghdad’s Green Zone; explosives detected

More Raids in Sadr City

Three forrays into Sadr City over the past four days Muqtada al-Sadr. Iraqi special forces (from the 1st Special Operations Forces Brigade), accompanied by U.S. Special Forces advisors and backed by Coalition air support, raided a location in Sadr City, the Baghdad stronghold of Iranian backed cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. The raid netted seven members of […]


Christian Phalange Minister Pierre Gemayel, the son of former President Gemayel Amin, was assassinated in broad daylight in Beirut. The assassination occurs as the UN is preparing the Hariri assassination trial, UNIFIL seizes weapons from Hezbollah in the south, and Hezbollah calls for protests in an effort to topple the Lebanese government.


Iraqi special forces back by U.S. advisers raided Sadr city and detained 7. This is the third raid inside Sadr City in four days. Three terrorists are killed and 4 suspects detained in a separate raid in Baghdad. Iraq and Syria have restored diplomatic ties. Australia may boost troop numbers in Iraq.

Islamic Courts on the Offensive

Two more Ethiopian armored vehicles destroyed, ICU engages TFG outside Baidoa, captured border town Islamic Courts controlled cities and towns marked in red. Click map to view. The Islamic Courts Union, al Qaeda’s proxy organization in Somalia, is on the offensive against the Transitional Federal Government and supporting Ethiopian Army units. Over the weekend, ICU […]


Pakistan’s political parties wants the government to implement the same ‘peace pact’ signed in North Waziristan in the rest of the FATA. The Taliban assassinated another pro-government “spy” in North Waziristan. Dawn’s North Waziristan correspondent is missing. Suicide bombers have deployed to attack Pakistani security forces.

Pakistan’s Suicide Squad

Pakistani intelligence uncovers a suicide bombing network, more assassinations in Waziristan Pakistani soldiers killed in a suicide attack in Dargai. Click image to view. The recent suicide bombings against an Army post in Dargai and police in Peshawar have sparked fears of a larger conspiracy to attack Pakistani security forces throughout the Northwest Frontier Province […]


Two are killed and 16 wounded in a bombing in the Muslim south. Zachary Abuza notes that the violence has not abated since the coup against the Thaksin government two months ago, despite the new government’s attempts at reconciliation.


Iran has called for a summit between Iraq, Syria and Iran. Iraqi special forces (1st SOF) conducted a raid inside Sadr City. General Caldwell reports 48 al Qaeda in Iraq were killed and 286 suspects detained over the past two weeks, and said the group was “disorganized” but still able to conduct attacks.


Former US aides suggest NATO troops in N. Iraq


The “Martyrs Battalions” have threatened to attack Gulf states if the U.S. strikes Iran. Mesbah-Yazdi, who backs suicide bombings, seeks to become Iran’s next supreme spiritual leader. The commander of the IRGC stated that Iran has “planned our strategy precisely on the basis of [American’s] strengths and weaknesses.”

Ethiopian Convoy Ambushed in Aweys’ “Greater Somalia”

Islamic Courts attacks an Ethiopian military convoy; Aweys calls for a “Greater Somalia” in the Horn of Africa ICU militiamen in a “technical.” Click image to view. The Islamic Courts Union has ambushed an Ethiopian military column of 80 vehicles, and killed 6 Ethiopian soldiers and wounded 20. The Islamic courts conducted a sophisticated attack […]


Five are killed and over 60 wounded in a train bombimg in West Bengal. Authorities are trying to determine if the bomb was planted or a suicide bomb. The attack occurs as Chinese Premier Hu Jintao is conducting a state visit.