Monthly Archives: November 2006


In Iraq, Shiites Celebrate Ex-Despot’s Guilty Verdict


Somali Parliament Leader Meets With Islamist Leaders


Israel Vows to Attack Gaza Until Rockets Subside

Embedding in Iraq

Originally posted on November 1st, please scroll down for new posts Hello, everyone. I am planning an embed to Iraq in the next three to four weeks. My goal is to embed with the Army in Baghdad and the Marines Ramadi. These two cities are the flash points in Iraq. If you are not already […]


Iraqi Army, US Soldiers detain senior militia leader


Iraq shutters two TV stations for ‘inciting violence™ with their coverage of Saddam Hussein™s sentencing


Iran ready to supply anti-aircraft arms to Lebanon


Pakistani infiltration into Jammu and Kashmir has doubled


Thia Muslim insurgents burned three schools and killed a teacher; 7 were killed in a spate of shootings. Insurgents also killed five in simultaneous bombings of three karaoke bars. The new Thai government wants to negotiate.


8 troops killed in attack by militants in western Algeria


NATO launched an attack on Taliban positions north of Kabul in Kapisa province. Nine Taliban were arrested during operations in Laghman province, and police posts were attacked in in Maidan Wardak and Logar provinces. Seven Taliban were killed in Helmand province.


The Islamic Courts are reported to be advancing north towards the southern part of Galkayo in Puntland. Fighting broke out in the southern town of Bardhere as the ICU attempted to establish control. The TFG claims to have evidence ‘foreign fighters’ are in Somalia, including Americans, Pakistanis, Afghanis and Indonesians. Kenyan Muslims “strongly condemn … […]

Inside Iraq

Saddam to Hang, another raid in Sadr City; Iraq at a critical juncture Saddam on trial. Click image to view. An Iraqi court has sentenced Saddam Hussein to hang for his ordering the massacring of Shiites during his reign as president. The Middle East Times provides an account of the moment Saddam was sentenced: “Judge […]

Six Arab states join rush to go nuclear – Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE and Saudi Arabia seek atom technology


U.N. Blames Darfur Deaths On Sudan – Says Jangaweed Militia Forces Killed 50 Civilians, Mostly Young Boys And Old Men, In Attack On Villagers