Monthly Archives: November 2006

Islamic Courts, Puntland forces Battle in Central Somalia

Puntland takes a preemptive shot at the Islamic Courts units moving northward Map of Somalia. Islamic Courts advances in Red, recent clash in yellow. Click map to view. As the long awaited showdown in Baidoa between the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and the Islamic Courts drags on, the Islamic Courts have advanced northward towards […]


Iraqi Bloggers React to Saddam’s Verdict


24 suspected terrorists detained in Iraq


Turkey establishes a Provincial Reconstruction Team in Wardak province


Terrorists may strike the Lahore Stock Exchange. Three rockets were fired at Peshawar, the provincial capital of the NWFP. The Afghan government rejected Pakistan’s offer to build fence along the Durand Line. An al Qaeda operative was captured in Afghanistan’s Khost province, along with five Pakistanis and Saudis.

Sri Lanka says Tigers gear for battle

Spain: Al Qaeda Threat Discovered


Kenya: Somali Islamists briefly detained after US warning


Egypt and Ethiopia to tackle Somalia™s problems


Suspended French Muslim airport workers sue minister


UK advises India on counter-terrorism measures

Southeast Asian execs agree to adopt counterterrorism pact


Second trial gets underway against Saddam Hussein


Iraqi Interior Ministry Accuses 55 Employees of Rights Abuses at Prison


Japan to extend the Air Self-Defense Force’s mission in Iraq to July


Soldiers in Iraq Say Pullout Would Have Devastating Results

NRO Symposium: The Saddam Hussein Verdict.

I was invited to join a symposium of experts at National Review Online on the Saddam Hussein verdict and the significance of the development – for Iraq and for the United States. My response is below, but click through to read Peter Brookes, Victor Davis Hanson, Clifford May, Andrew McCarthy, James Robbins, Michael Rubin, and […]


Iraqi Sunnis Flee, Saying US’s Enemy Is Iran


Two US soldiers killed in Iraq chopper crash