Monthly Archives: November 2006

Palestinian Territories

Hamas’ military wing has called for Muslims worldwide to attack the U.S.. Senior Hamas officials say ‘We Want [All of] Palestine, from the River to the Sea’; ‘Resistance and Jihad Are Legitimate’. Israel has withdrawn a large portion of its forces from Gaza. The IAF killed the leader of Hamas’s Kassam rocket firing unit, along […]


Chechen gunmen ambush Russian patrol, kill seven soldiers

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda Undercover Video of New York City Led to Life Sentence


Subdued Saddam calls for end to faction fighting


Yemen al Qaeda warns US allies of new attacks

Palestinian Territories

Palestinians: Israeli strike in Gaza kills 18 – Tank fire killed civilians, officials say; Israeli says military investigating

United States

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has resigned, and will be replaced by former CIA Director Robert Gates. “Gates is a member of the Iraq Study Group…” A shift in the Iraq policy is expected after the Democrats won the house, and potentially the Senate.


Sudan Points Finger In Darfur Slaughter – Accuses ‘Renegade Arab Tribesmen’ Of Killing 33 In Raid Last Month

(Sri Lanka) Rebels claim 45 civilians killed

Suicide Strike Kills 42 Pakistani Soldiers in Dargai

Over 20 wounded in attack on Pakistani Army training base in the Northwest Frontier Province As the Pakistani government continues to press for a peace accord in Bajaur and elsewhere in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, a suicide bomber strikes at an Army base in Dargai in the Northwest Frontier Province. Over 42 Pakistani Army […]


A suicide bomber killed 42 Pakistani soldiers and wounded 20 at an Army base in Dargai in the NWFP. NWFP Governor Orkazi was the target of a rocket attack in Wana, South Waziristan. The 3 survivors of the Bajaur airstrikes are in a secret location. Musharraf will address “militancy” with both military power and peace […]


Thousands of Afghan Pashtuns protested Pakistan’s interference inside Afghanistan, and claim Pakistan is harboring the Taliban. Schools are being reopened in Helmand province. The Afghan Army will take up to 10 years to develop.


School staff shot dead, rail station bombed in Thai violence


Moroccan-born Dane on trial for promoting terrorism


Islam challenges secularism in Turkey’s east


Sunni Islamists Websites in Iraq Claim Iranian Top-Secret Document Reveals Iran/al Qaeda Contacts Months Before 9/11


India boosts security along the Bangladeshi border after terror attack in Assam. Indian police killed two Kashmiri terrorists and detain four.


Morocco says Sahara state would be “terrorist den”


A soldier and terrorist were killed during ongoing fighting in Sulu. Almost 400 kilos of fertilizer for bombs was seized in Zamboanga. Police suspect Abu Sayyaf’s ‘Urban Terrorist Group’ is behind the murder of four policemen.


Italian court convicts Egyptian man wanted in 2004 Madrid train bombings

IEA backs nuclear power in climate change battle

Al Qaeda

al Qaeda in Yemen claims responsibility for the September suicide attacks on oil Yemeni facilities. The London-based Global Islamic Media Front released a new installment of the Caliphate Voice Channel, with “news analysis of the establishment of the Islamic State of Iraq.” The broadcaster is masked. al Qaeda operative Dhiren Barot was sentenced for numerous […]