Monthly Archives: November 2006


Ayatollah Ali Khamenei says U.S. midterm elections are “in fact a landmark victory of the Iranian nation.” Israel indicates it may strike Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Iran has bought SCUD missiles from North Korea and now “is able to provide its missile system to friendly nations that need it”.


UK’s ‘serious’ terror threat linked to Pakistan


6 killed and over 50 injured in mosque bombing in Srinagar


German president urges Europe to do more for Iraq


Marine to Receive Medal of Honor for Heroism in Iraq

The al-Masri Victory Speech

Al-Masri declares victory in Iraq, Iraqi Army strikes at al Qaeda leader in Rawah Abu Ayyub al-Masri. Al-Qaeda in Iraq has weighed in on the U.S. midterm elections. Abu Ayyub al-Masri (a.k.a. Abu Hamza al-Muhajir), the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, has released an audiotape. In the tape, al-Masri praised the results of the […]

Dargai and AQAM

More on the Dargai suicide attack, and the role of AQAM A wounded Pakistani soldier from the Dargai suicide attack. Click image to view. The toll in the suicide attack on Pakistani Army recruits in Dargai in the Northwest Frontier Province has risen to 45 soldiers killed and wounded 20. Pakistani investigators are hunting for […]


Conflict in Iraq: The sniper who shoots on video

Rumsfeld Reaction: 4 Policy Battles That Could Shape Our Military

CFR: Pakistan’s Tribal Areas

NWFP/FATA. Click map to view. Carin Zissis of the Council on Foreign Relations has written an overview of The Tribal Areas of Pakistan that is well worth a read. The article is an excellent primer on the history and politics of the region, Pakistan’s governance of the tribal areas, and the role of Islamist extremism. […]


Militants in Pakistan attack army convoy, wounding 5 soldiers


Taliban fighters talk tactics – while safe in Pakistan


Bomb Attacks Kill at Least 16 in Baghdad


Israeli jets violate Lebanese airspace as France protests

The Future of the Iraq Strategy

A change in strategy may be in order, but how much of a change will it be? Iraqi Army units ‘in the lead.’ Map courtesy of MNF-Iraq. Click map to view. The results of U.S. midterm elections will clearly have an impact on U.S. policy in Iraq. Less than one day after the Democrats took […]


Muslim insurgents detonate 8 bombs simultaneously at car and motorcycle showrooms in southern Thailand, injuring 9. The Thai junta has lifted a ban on politcal assembly and may end martial law by November 18th.


Airports across India are on high alert after a specific al Qaeda threat against airports in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Two of Dawood Ibrahim’s lieutenants have been arrested in the UAE.

Tamil Tigers, Sri Lanka clash in sea battle


U.N.: No Evidence of Uranium-based Munitions Used in Lebanon


Puntland arrested 12 supporters of the Islamic Courts in Galkayo, a city just north of recent fighting between the ICU and Puntland forces. An ICU spokesman for central Somalia claims they will take Galkayo and regions north by force. Aways, Indhoaade and Sharif tout the capture of a pirated ship. The ICU has banned all […]


The exit strategy – Victory in Afghanistan means understanding what we can achieve there, then sticking to it


NATO kills 15 insurgents in eastern Afghanistan after a patrol is attacked. Canadian forces, Afghan police killed 28 Taliban in the Zari district of Kandahar. The French are seriously considering withdrawing the 200 special forces (our sources say this is due to anger over the Musa Qala agreement.) India will host an international conference on […]


Muslims workers win back security clearance at Paris airport


Ambassador Khalilzad attempts to reassure Iraqis on the results of the U.S. election. Four al Qaeda were killed and 48 captured during a raid in Ramadi. Ten al Qaeda were killed near Muqdadiyah. U.S. soldiers killed 38 and wounded 9 terrorists after an attack on their base in Baghdad. Seventeen members of a death squad […]