Monthly Archives: November 2006


Minibus blast kills 20 in Baghdad Shiite area


Chechen al Qaeda leader Abu Hafs claims the jihad is being reorganized under the command of Doku Umarov after the death of Shamil Basayev. Two Russian police were wounded after their armored vehicle is hit with a mine. Six suspected insurgents and two weapons caches were found. Seven police were killed in an ambush last […]


Islamic coalition proposes Taliban-style anti-vice department in northwestern Pakistan

China sub stalked US carrier, says report

Al-Qaeda Commander Abu Nasir al-Qahtani Captured

Abu Nasir al-Qahtani, an escape from Bagram prison, was captured in Khost last week. Qahtani operated from North Waziristan. Abu Nasir al-Qahtani in an As-Sahab propaganda videotape released in May of 2006. Click image to view. Last week, Afghan and Coalition forces announced the capture of “a known al Qaeda terrorist and five other extremists […]


Lebanon Shiite schools teach KG kids ‘resistance’


Syria a ‘dangerous’ country, says Rice


Airports put on high alert after FBI warning

Al Qaeda

Claim: Cat Stevens Financed Terrorists, Tied to Radical Clerics


Sectarian rifts foretell pitfalls of Iraqi troops’ taking control


Man killed in restive southern Thailand as suspected insurgents open fire at tea shop


(Pakistan) 66 illegal FM radio stations closed in NWFP


‘US not allowed to fire missiles into Pakistan to kill terrorists™


Iraqi leader pushes Cabinet changes as bombs kill dozens

Puntland, Somalia Clash south of Galkayo; Iran’s Hand

Fighting breaks out in Puntland; Iran supplies weapons and other support to the Islamic Courts Islamic Court Militia cheers during the handing over of weapons by the rivall militia in Mogadishu, Thursday, July 13, 2006. (AP Photo / Mohamed Sheikh Nor.) Click image to view. The Islamic Courts Union and forces from the semi autonomous […]


Second Israeli general quits over Lebanon war


US Official Offers a Bleak Assessment of Somalia


Algeria rebels kill at least seven soldiers in ambush


A blast at a Baghdad police recruiting center killed over 35. Ten al Qaeda are detained in raids in Baghdad. Saddam’s Generals want the U.S. to stay. Democrats call for the withdrawal to begin in 4-6 months.


A senior Army officer called the frontier security situation a “disaster.” “I am afraid we are on a war course in the tribal areas.” The Army prevented a rocket attack in Dir. The Taliban deny attacking a government fort in Mir Ali. A close associate of LeT leader Hafez Saeed has been murdered.


Iran claims to have taken images of U.S. aircraft carriers operating in the Gulf wth UAVs. Iran claims it will swiftly respond to any Israeli strike on its expanding nuclear program. President Ahmadinejad tears into the the UNSC for considering sanctions.