Monthly Archives: November 2006


The wife of Abu Sayyaf commander Dulmatin has disclosed the names of six members of Jemaah Islamiyah active in the Philippines. Police captured a bomber and believe they have averted further attacks in Mindanao.

The Baghdad Kidnapping

Kidnapping at Ministry of Higher Education in Baghdad; Raid against Sadr’s Mahdi Army; multiple Ramadi IED cells targeted Map of Baghdad. Click to view. A group of insurgents have conducted a daring daylight kidnapping in the heart of Baghdad. A large group of men in police uniforms, with a reported 30 vehicles, raided the Ministry […]

Sri Lankan Navy destroys rebel LTTE trawler along country’s N. coast


Canada to boost security on key transit systems


Lebanon cabinet defies growing Hezbollah challenge


Iran Vows ‘Nuclearization’ As IAEA Faults Cooperation


The IAEA has found plutonium and enriched uranium in a facility. President Ahmadinejad said “the international community was caving in to Teheran’s demands to continue its nuclear program.” Iran and Hezbollah are providing weapons and training to Somalia’s Islamic Courts, an al Qaeda affiliate, as well as cooperating with al Qaeda and senior leader Saif […]


Iran has supplied the Islamic Courts with weapons and training, while ICU fighters fought with Hezbollah. Kenya has halted all flights to Somalia. More fighting is reported between the ICU and Puntland.


India asks Pakistan to cooperate in fighting terror

Blasts kill four soldiers in Sri Lanka, says military

Expanding Talibanistan

Islamist Pakistani legislators in the Northwest Frontier Province pass a law calling for Taliban-like rule; Musharraf plotter released Chief Minister NWFP Akram Khan Durrani congratulates Provincial Law Minister Malik Zafar Azam on presentation of Hasba Bill in the provincial assembly. Image from the PakTribune. As the Taliban and al Qaeda consolidate their power in the […]

Iran’s Involvement in Somalia, with al Qaeda

Iran seeks uranium in exchange for training, weapons. Somali Islamists fought with Hezbollah in Lebanon against Israel. Saif al-Adel is plotting against the West with the help of the IRGC. Saif al-Adel Further details emerge on the United Nations report on foreign involvement in Somalia. The UN report shatters the myth that Sunnis and Shiite […]


General Abizaid met with Prime Minister Maliki, and demanded Shiite militias be disarmed. Iraqi lawmakers say six ministries may change hands, including Health, Housing and Reconstruction, and Transportation – Sadr’s ministries. Western leaders are calling on Iran and Syria to help with Iraq’s security situation.

Al Qaeda

al Qaeda is actively seeking technology and material for a nuclear attack against the West. al Qaeda has threatened to topple the Lebanese government and attack Australian troops in Afghanistan. Abu Nasir al-Qahtani, one of the “Bagram Four” escapees, was captured in Khost. Qahtani operated from North Waziristan.


Pakistan has released the head of the 2003 Musharraf assassination teams “after a long detention” of 3 years. “Jabbar was an expert in Afghan affairs, heading the Afghan cell of each militant group he was in, and maintained close contacts with Taliban and Al Qaeda leaders.” The MMA passed a bill to set up a […]