Monthly Archives: October 2006

Venezuela a ‘potential hub of terrorism’


Madrid bombing suspect on trial for selling explosives


Somalia: Why Islamic Courts can’t win war against government

Choking terrorist funds needs global effort


Balad, Iraq: Sectarian Battles Drive Out Sunnis, Create State of Siege


Iraq Deputy PM rejects Labor party’s pullout policy


Ethiopia to fight if Somali Islamists attack govt


Iran bans fast internet to cut west’s influence


Iraqi Insurgent Leader: Premier’s Initiative Rejected, Dialogue With US Halted


The Iraqi government has ordered the armed forces to take action against armed groups that break the law. The U.S. denied a New York Times report that ultimatums would be issued to the Iraqi government on progress in the security situation. Five insurgents were killed after Coalition forces destroyed a building in Balad. Six insurgents […]


ICU leader Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys is encouraging Ethiopians to revolt. Unnamed ICU members are saying an attack on Baidoa is imminent. Over 6,000 Ethiopian troops are supporting the TFG and 2,000 Eritrian troops are supporting the ICU. The ICU may begin executing Ethiopian “spies,” ala the Taiban.


Somalia™s Islamist leader urges Ethiopians to revolt


Five insurgents killed, building destroyed south of Balad

Coming Soon: The Bajaur Accord

Pakistan is negotiating the surrender of Bajaur agency to the Taliban and al Qaeda Protests in Bajaur Agency, Pakistan, after U.S. airstrikes in Damadola in January 2006 . Click image to view. Just days after the signing of the Waziristan Accord, which ceded administrative and security control of the North Waziristan agency to the Taliban […]