Monthly Archives: October 2006

Pakistan’s Problems in Waziristan and Beyond

A status update on Pakistan, plus the Brits call for a truce in Helmand province The results of the Waziristan Accord, Pakistan’s ‘truce’ with the Taliban and al Qaeda in the tribal agency of North Waziristan, reverberate throughout the Afghan-Pakistani border region and beyond. The Taliban continue to violate the truce. A Pakistani military base […]


Israel warns Hezbollah after pulling out of Lebanon


Iraqi Shi’ite MPs demand cabinet reshuffle


Yemeni security forces killed al Qaeda operatives Fawaz al-Rabe’ie and Mohamed Daylami, who were involved in the 2003 attack on the French oil Tanker Limburg. They were among the 23 inmates who escaped from prison last year. Of the 23, “11 of the fugitives have since surrendered to authorities or were captured by police, four […]

Podcast with Global Crisis Watch

Yet again I had the honor and privilege of co-hosting this week’s edition of Global Crisis Watch’s Podcast. We called to Washington, Baghdad and Buffalo to tackle the latest al Qaeda video featuring Ayman al-Zawahiri, the curfew and security situation in Iraq, and Islamist advances in Somalia with Dr Walid Phares, author of “Future Jihad,” […]

Al-Masri on Video, and the Second Anbar Campaign

al Qaeda in Iraq’s leader Abu Ayyub al-Masri car bomb instructional video found, Anbar tribes strike again at al Qaeda Abu Ayyub al-Masri. The Iraqi government has aired segments of a recently uncovered video of Abu Ayyub al-Masri, the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq. Al-Masri is seen providing a lesson on building car bombs. […]


US Senate votes to extend Iran sanctions


Musharraf threatens the West: “You’ll be brought down to your knees if Pakistan doesn’t co-operate with you” in the war. Musharraf and Karzai agree to hold loya jirgas (tribal meetings) in the border regions. The Pakistani government has forced the Taliban to close their office in Miranshah. Afghan security forces and a “Pakistani militia” clashed […]

Al Qaeda

A videotape of 9-11 commander Mohammed Atta and pilot Ziad Jarrah has emerged. The tape was recorded in Afghanistan in January of 2000, and Atta is seen recording his will. Osama bin Laden addresses a group of al Qaeda and 9-11 plotter Ramzi Binalshibh is in the crowd. Video available here.