Comments Policy – No More Moderation

Since I’ve implemented the policy of moderating comments, I’ve had to delete or edit comments less and less as time went on, to the point that I’m no longer doing this on a regular basis.

I’m going to switch the comments back to an unmoderated state – in other words, any comments published to the site will be immediately be posted, there will no longer be a delay. I still reserve the right to edit or delete comments that violate the policy. My hope is this will reinvigorate the debate. Just keep to the rules of the comments policy and I’ll keep them open. Let’s keep the comments section a place for healthy and fair debate on the war, free of personal attacks and partisan politics, and on topic to the issues of the day.

As an aside, I view the comments section as your place to discuss the posts and related events of the day. I’ve had my say in the main post, and am interested in hearing your discussion. I don’t always have an opportunity to answer questions posed to me (time…), but do wish I had the time to do so. Occasionally I will weigh in and answer question, but more often than not an informed reader will answer the question to my satisfaction.

Best wishes.

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Islamic state



Al shabaab

Boko Haram
