Monthly Archives: September 2006


The Islamic Courts will open a ‘jihad office’ in Mogadishu. The ICU is advancing towards the strategic port city of Kismayo. The U.S. has negotiated with ‘moderate’ Sheikh Sharif Ahmed.


Foreign troops not to be allowed to conduct operation in Pakistan


Ramadi recruits locals for the city police


Outnumbered and short of food, British troops win six-day battle with Taliban

Al Qaeda

Report: Video Posted of US Soldiers’ Bodies Being Burned


Twelve Afghan military officers were arrested for providing weapons to the Taliban. ISAF forces arrest 12 Taliban for involvement in bombing attacks in Pashmul, Kandahar.

Al Qaeda, Taliban behind the Waziristan Accord

A look at the players and organizations manipulating the Waziristan Accord Mullah Omar, the leader of the Taliban, backed the Waziristan Accord. Details continue to emerge on the Waziristan Accord and the Taliban and al Qaeda involvement. And confirmation via the Pakistani press is received that the Taliban is seeking negotiations in Bajaur agency. First, […]


Putin confirms Russian troops for Lebanon, but not under UN flag

Open Letter by Arab and Muslim Intellectuals to President Bush Calling for Promoting Democracy in the Middle East and North Africa

Al Qaeda

A French intelligence report that Osama bin Laden died of Typhoid in Pakistan on September 4 is unconfirmed. The information came from Saudi intelligence.


The Iraqi Army captures Muntasir Hamoud Ileiwi al-Jubour, a leader of Ansar al-Sunnah and 2 aides in a raid. A fuel tanker bombing kills 35 in Sadr City. Abu Ayyoub al-Masri, the head of the Mujahideen Shura, is believed to be on video executing a Turkish hostage.


Afghan President Karzai says Musharraf knows Mullah Omar is in Pakistan. The Frontier Post states the Taliban is concerned the government might break the Waziristan Accord, and gives details of the Taliban and al Qaeda power brokers in North Waziristan.

The Weekly Standard: Pakistan Surrenders

Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and I have co-authored an article titled Pakistan Surrenders for the October 2 edition of The Weekly Standard. The article provides an overview of the Fall of Waziristan and the strategic implications. The full text of the article is available below:


US General Says 3,000 More Iraqi Troops Needed to Help Stabilize Baghdad


Suspending enrichment unacceptable, says Iranian cleric

Oslo terrorists targeted ambassador

The Sham Waziristan Accord

Pakistan attempts to deflect attention away from the real impact of the Waziristan Accord President – General Pervez Musharraf. President Pervez Musharraf is making a great effort to portray the Waziristan Accord as a positive step in reigning in the Taliban and al Qaeda during his visit to the United States and his meetings with […]


Afghan police killed 25 Taliban after an attack on an outpost in Chora district, Uruzgan province. The Taliban killed 19 construction workers in an ambush in Kandahar.