Monthly Archives: September 2006

Al Qaeda

Another Osama rumor. The Frontier Times reports Osama bin Laden has transferred command to Ayman al-Zawahiri due to a “severe spinal-chord ailment.” The prior typhood fever rumor was the product of chatter at a diplomatic party.


About 300 to 400 Ethiopian troops moved into Baidoa after the Islamic Courts seized Kismayo. Defense minister Bare Hirale is said to be awaiting reinforcements from Ethiopia to counterstrike at Kismayo. The transitional government pleads for the arms embargo to be lifted. Twenty women were arrested by the ICU for protesting in Kismayo, while Hassan […]


India’s Defense Minister says Islamabad has done “precious little” to dismantle the infrastructure of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. State police in Maharashtra have made it mandatory for recruits in the intelligence wing to learn Urdu or Arabic during training. An Indian state minister claims there are 26 terror camps operating across the border in […]

Outsourcing Combat Reporting to the Enemy


The Taliban murdered Kandahar’s director of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs. Coalition forces kill 10 Taliban in Paktika Province during Operation Mountain Fury. Twenty three Taliban in Helmand were killed during ISAF operations.

The Fall of Kismayo

The strategic southern port city of Kismayo is taken by the Islamic Courts, Baidoa is now in the crosshairs Somalia. Cities in red indicate ICU controlled territory. Click map to view. The Islamic Courts have further consolidated their grip on power in souther Somalia. Just one day after Barre Adan Shire, (or Bare Hirale) the […]


US: Sadr City again a militants’ haven


Iraqi police battle Anbar insurgency


US to blame for attack on its embassy: Syria


Iraqi president asks for long-term US military presence in Iraq

How Many Embedded Reporters Cover the Iraq War?


Militia standoff at Iraqi police station


Egypt is openly discussing starting a civilian nuclear energy program. As Iran continues to proceed in developing its nuclear program, expect other Arab states to do the same.

International al Qaeda Operative Omar Farouq Killed in Iraq

Farouq was a lieutenant of bin Laden and al Qaeda’s operations chief in Southeast Asia Omar Farouq in 2002. Coalition forces have scored another senior jihadi in Iraq. This time, the British forces in Basra have killed Omar Farouq, a senior al Qaeda operative. The BBC reports Farouq was ‘tracked across Iraq to Basra,’ then […]


The Algerian who helped Tunisians join the GSPC, in prison


Aide to late warlord Khattab surrenders in Chechnya


Talabani Says PKK Ceasefire Imminent

Al Qaeda

Experts Say Al Qaeda Threat Down, but Others Remain Strong


Iraq militants claim killing of Indians, Pakistanis

Al Qaeda

Sources: Qaeda could use non-Arabs to attack Israel