Monthly Archives: September 2006


Another leader of the 1920 Revolution Brigades (unnamed) has been arrested. Sunni tribal leaders in Anbar have pledged their support for the Shiite led government. Sunni groups are calling for the disarming of militias (read Sadr’s Mahdi Army).Task Force 145 appears to have struck again in Baqubah.


Moroccan security arrests members of Hizb-ut-Tahrir


President Karzai is skeptical of Pakistan’s deal in Waziristan. President Musharraf angrily responds. Musharraf also claims Quetta is not a Taliban command center.


Ethiopia claims it has not deployed troops inside Somalia. Residents of Kismayo continue to riot despite a curfew, as the ICU bans khat in the city. Cinemas and sporting events have also been shut down in the city.

Harmony: The Attyia – Zarqawi Letter

An analysis of the Attyia al-Jaza’ri letter to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Al Rayah – the flag of al Qaeda. Click image to view. The Combating Terrorism Center at West Point has published the letter written by Attyia al-Jaza’ri (the Algeria), which was addressed to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the deceased leader of al Qaeda in Iraq. […]

Taliban says Osama alive: report


Russia, Iran Agree Timetable For Bushehr Nuclear Reactor


The Iraqi police are a target. Police in western Anbar have made significant progress in opposing the insurgency. A police station south of Baghdad is destroyed by a car bomb. Terrorists damaged a police station in Babil province during a suicide vehicle attack.


Pakistani sentenced for trying to sell missiles to Al Qaeda


Iraq duty extended for 3,900 in 1st AD


Turkey: Army will protect country from Islamists


Police station south of Baghdad destroyed in suicide attack

Terror group praises Al-Jazeera for ‘fighting’ US


No al Qaeda leader in Pakistan, says Foreign Office

HVT #6 – al Qaeda’s Emir of Anbar Province Killed

Khalid Mahal, the Emir of Anbar Province, and his aide Nasif Al-Mawla have been killed in operations The Muthanna Complex and the Thar Thar region, an al Qaeda and insurgent staging area. Click to Enlarge. Task Force 145, the global hunter-killers of high value al-Qeda targets, is conducting a full court press in Iraq. The […]


Hariri Probe Uncovers Links to Other Lebanese Assassinations

Podcast with Global Crisis Watch

Yet again I had the honor and privilege of co-hosting this week’s edition of Global Crisis Watch’s Podcast: Prison Radicalization and Blogging the Coup. We tackle U.S.-Pakistan post-9/11 relations, prison radicalization inside America, the ties between Caracas and Tehran, and the role bloggers played during the Thai coup with Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, author of “My Year […]