Monthly Archives: September 2006


al Qaeda connected Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, the leader of the radical Islamic Courts in Somalia is “prepared to talk peace” as talks between the ICU and the Transitional Government. The ICU has suspended “all trade and public transportation during prayer times.” The autonomous region of Puntland is beginning to arrest ICU friendly Islamist clerics. […]

United Kingdom

Police in the United Kingdom arrested 14 in a terror sweep at a restaurant and a mosque. The arrests are unrelated to airline plot or 7/7 attacks. MI5 indicates they are are keeping tabs on “thousands of people” who may be involved in terrorism. This news comes as BBC releases a program on the radicalization […]


Egyptian authorities are preparing for al Qaeda attacks in the southern Sinai, as hundreds of Israeli tourist flee the region. Police are hunting “five suspected al Qaeda members in the Sinai Peninsula” who are believed to be Egyptians.


The International Atomic Energy Agency has “found new traces of enriched uranium in Iran.” Iran refuses to give up its nuclear program. The U.S. State Department has approved a visa for former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami to visit the country. Khatami was sponsored by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

Al Qaeda

A jihadi website has announced the pending release of a video from Ayman al-Zawahiri and “Azzam al-Ameriki (Adam Gadahn). The GSPC has also released a propaganda video of “Mujahideen operations tracking training, preparation, attack, and celebration.” The Global Islamic Media Front is launching a professional-quality German language website aimed at sympathizers and disaffected Westerns. New […]