Monthly Archives: September 2006

80 Tamil Tigers were today slain and 12 rebel boats sunk by the Sri Lankan Navy in a six- hour-long fierce sea battle


Pakistan, Taliban militants sign peace agreement – in return the army deployed in North Waziristan “will not carry out operations against them”


Large arms cache found near Chechen capital – three more militants have given themselves up over the last 24 hours


7 suspected Taliban, 3 Afghan policemen killed; suicide attacker hits coalition convoy


America’s Battalion captures 16 insurgents, 24 suspected insurgents, in Haditha Triad region

An interceptor missile destroyed a mock warhead over the Pacific Ocean on Friday in a key test of the nation’s missile defense system


(Pakistan) Truces fueling resurgence of Taliban, critics say


France, Italy team up to slam Iranian nuclear project


Iraqi Army recruits 293 Iraqi in Habbaniyah and Fallujah


Hizb al-Tahrir party denied having any links with the Lebanese suspects arrested in connection with the failed bid to blow up two passenger trains in western Germany


Israeli army hands over border area to Lebanese and UNIFIL troops


Kyrgyzstan tries to squeeze Islamic extremists in Central Asia


Two school teachers killed and three injured in Kashmir


US Says Expects UN To Announce ‘Significant Increase’ In Afghan Opium Crops


Violent deaths in Iraq drop in August – govt stats


Iraqi Ground Forces Command assumes command and control of 8th Iraqi Army Division

Al Qaeda

Media Department of Jund al-Sham Presents a Video: “The Emirs of War”

NATO led forces kill 200 Taliban in Operation Medusa

ISAF continues offensive operations in southeastern Afghanistan, as Operation Medusa follows on the heals of Operation Mountain Thrust Canadian and Afghan forces have kicked off a new operation in Kandahar Province. Operation Medusa began on Saturday, and is aimed at rooting out Taliban forces Kandahar Province’s Panjwai and Zhari districts, the scene of much fighting […]


In Ramadi, U.S. Army and Marine engineers are destroying “buildings that stand directly opposite Ramadi’s long-embattled government center.” These buildings have been used as bases of fire against U.S. and Iraqi forces. In Baghdad, Coalition and Iraqi forces uncovered an IED factory and weapons cache while clearing the neighborhood of Adhamiyah.

Senior Al-Qaeda in Iraq Leader Captured; Is He Number 2?

A joint Iraqi-Coalition raid nets Hamed Jumaa Farid al-Saeedi, a member of the Mujahideen Shura Council the leader of the Omar Brigade Hamed Jumaa Farid al-Saeedi Iraqi and Coalition forces continue to exploit the intelligence windfall gained after the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Hamed Jumaa Farid al-Saeedi (a.k.a. Abu Humam, Abu Rana), who Iraqi […]

Azzam – The American al Qaeda’s “Invitation to Islam”

Banner announcing “Invitation to Islam, al Qaeda’s latest videotape. Links to video below. As Sabah, al Qaeda’s media production company, has released the anticipated videotape of Ayman al-Zawahiri and Adam Gahadn (a.k.a. Azzam the American). This video is the latest in an al Qaeda media campaign designed to influence westerners, supporters and sympathizers. In the […]


Chechen terrorists continue to surrender since the death of Shamil Baseyev on July 10. Chechen terrorist Abukhamid Shamilev, a “deputy commander responsible for logistics” surrendered this week, along with a group of 49 Chechen fighters, and another group of 6.


The Philippine military is bolstering its forces in the fight against al Qaeda linked Abu Sayyaf terrorists on Jolo island. Abu Sayyaf commander Khaddafy and Indonesian members of Jemaah Islamiyah are the targets of operations. U.S. and Filipino troops arriving in Jolo were cheered by locals. Three suspects (including a member of MILF) in a […]