Monthly Archives: September 2006


Over 100 Dutch troops have been temporarily re-assigned to the southern Afghan province of Kandahar


Merkel rules out military option for dealing with Iran


10 killed in fighting between police and militia fighters in the Somali town of Baidoa


Iraqi army takes lead security role in Tal Afar

Al Qaeda

Cops assist in search for T&T ‘safe house’ for Adnan Shukrijumah

Pakistan Negotiates Truce in Waziristan

Pakistan is in a civil war with the Taliban and al Qaeda, and it is a war the government is losing Pakistan’s failure to commit the needed resources and political will to uproot al Qaeda and the Taliban in the Northwest Frontier Province and Baluchistan in 2001, 2004 and 2006 will haunt the governments of […]


IDF officers may face war crime charges in Europe for actions in Lebanon


Jaish-e-Mohammad planned suicide strike in Mumbai

A General’s New Plan To Battle Radical Islam


Iraq military command delayed by disagreement with US

United Kingdom

UK police granted more time to question terrorism suspects detained in weekend raids


Ethiopian And Ugandan Military Officers Train Government Forces in Somalia


(Iraq) 13 killed, 34 injured in incidents in Baghdad and Najaf


Pukhtoon militants who fought against the US-led invasion of Afghanistan have formed a new anti-Shia militant group


Iraqi Police Take down key Insurgent Leader in Rawah – Sadam Shihab Ahmad played a key role in the coordination of insurgent operations


Italian soldiers began moving into position in Southern Lebanon as part of the new UNIFIL force


Lebanon says won™t join talks over kidnapped IDF troops