Monthly Archives: September 2006


Search for Missing Air Force Officer Continues in Kyrgyzstan


Israel’s military blockade of Lebanon will end on September 7. The IDF killed a senior member of Islamic Jihad and six others during raids in Gaza.

Defense Department Ordered to Take Custody of High-Value Detainees


Jumaa Farid al-Saeedi, al Qaeda ‘s commander of the anti-Shiite Omar Brigade and member of the Mujahideen Shura, was captured in June. Iraq and the US will sign a military handover pact on September 7. A large weapons cache exploded in a building in Nasiriyah.


Egypt: 16 Muslim Brotherhood leaders released

Back, Again, For Good

As many of you have already figured out, I have returned to The Fourth Rail and am now posting here permanently. I realize I have done a bit of shuffling around the blogosphere of late. This is a new medium, I have been experimenting a bit, and I hope you will understand and forgive me […]


(Philippines) Battered Marines vow to ‘finish off’ Abu Sayyaf


Two al Qaeda were arrested in Khost in possession of “weapons, night vision equipment and various electronic devices,” as a suicide bomber killed a ” teacher and a government employee” in the same province. The Afghan government is establishing a National Security Coordination System.


Brief notes on the ‘truce.’ Newsday: “tribal paramilitary forces… will handle border control duties… the Taliban [is] running a parallel government.” USA Today: “offers an ‘implicit amnesty’ to foreign and local militants.” The New York Times: “The deal is widely viewed as a face-saving retreat for the Pakistani Army.”


Baghdad bombs kill four, wound 35 – police

Al Qaeda

Mujahideen Shura Council in Iraq Blesses the Shootings in Amman, Jordan

Sri Lanka battles a weakened Tamil Tigers


Pakistan Lets Tribal Chiefs Keep Control Along Border


Army vacates four posts in Miramshah, North Waziristan


The path to terror in Canada, An exclusive report: Training ground

Talibanistan: The Establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan

Pakistan’s “truce with the Taliban is an abject surrender, and al Qaeda has an untouchable base of operations in Western Pakistan which will only expand if not checked The news of the Pakistani government signing a truce agreement with the Taliban in North Waziristan is far worse than being reported. We raised the alarm early […]


Egyptian security forces arrest 93 on suspicion of belonging to an al Qaeda


Bin Laden gets pass from Pakistan, would not be arrested if leading peaceful life