Monthly Archives: September 2006


March 14 insists Hizbullah unable to defend Lebanon

Why Iran sees no rush for a nuke deal


European nations warn Iran is stalling on nuclear negotiations. Iranian authorities censor sections of Grand Ayatollah Yousefi Sanei’s website which promote women’s civil rights. The Iranian military roles out a remodeled F-5 fighter and touts it as a newly built Iranian aircraft. Former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami spoke at the Washington National Cathedral.


Prime minister takes control of first Iraqi forces


Pakistan’s Peace Deal with Terrorist Factions a Major Blow to US

United Kingdom

Abu Abdullah, al Qaeda suspect and former ‘henchman’ of cleric Abu Hamza, trained kids

Al Qaeda

al Qaeda releases 2 tapes, one a 9-11 “anniversary tape”, the other a statement from AQIZ commnander al-Muhajir. Adam Gadahn, a.k.a. Azzam the American, who recently issued an al Qaeda propaganda tape, “has been charged in a sealed indictment with providing material support to terrorism.” Kuwaiti Sheikh Hamed bin Abdullah al-Ali has issued a fatwa […]


DoD Announces Air Force Airman Stationed in Kyrgyzstan as Duty Status Whereabouts Unknown

Weapons find in The Hague linked to Muslim terror group


NATO leader, military commander calls for “modest reinforcements” in Afghanistan


Abu Sayyaf leader Khadaffy Janjalani and Jemaah Islamiyah explosives expert Umar Patek may have been injured in combat operations in Sulu. The Philippine Army is sending an extra battalion of Special Forces to join the fight, and the Navy is patroling the seas. U.S. Special forces are in the region as “advisers.”


Four Russian troops were killed and four wounded when their armored vehicle was hit by a land mine in North Ossetia. A bomb was detonated at a railroad crossing in Ingushetia. Members of Doku Umarov’s Chechen terrorist group are seeking to negotiate with the government.


Safonov Comments on Progress in Hunting Russian Diplomats™ Iraqi Killers


U.S. forces conduct a major operation in the Konrangal River Valley in Kunar, along the border with Pakistan. Musharraf visits Afghanistan, calls al Qaeda and the Taliban a “common enemy” but refuses to rout them out of North Waziristan. Three British soldiers were killed in separate engagements in the volatile Helmand province.

The Islamic Emirate of Waziristan and Greater Talibanistan

North Waziristan is not al Qaeda’s endgame, the entire border region is the target References: Dawn provides an overview of the North Waziristan Truce. Compare this to my report from Tuesday night. Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas With the Pakistani government ceding authority (but not autonomy) to the Taliban and al […]

Al Qaeda

14 key terrorist suspects transferred from secret CIA custody to Guantanamo Bay


Peace Talks Resume as Cease-Fire Comes Under Strain in the Philippines


Sheik Ahmed Sherif, the head of the ICU, held talks “with US and European diplomats during a recent visit to Kenya.” The purpose was very likely an attempt to split him from Aweys. ICU organized veterans to protest against foreign intervention. During the rally, Sherif “warned Uganda not to send troops to Somalia.”