Monthly Archives: September 2006


Report: 3 Spanish Muslims Recruited for Jihad Every Month

Medusa and the Kabul Cell

An Operation Medusa update and more on the suspected al Qaeda car bomb cell in Kabul Operation Medusa is in its seventh day, and Afghan and Canadian forces of the Canadian Royal Regiment, along with Coalition air forces continue to pound Taliban positions in the Panjwai district in Kandahar. An ISAF [International Security Assistance Force] […]


Prodi: Syria agrees to EU force on border with Lebanon

Waziristan Deal could be model for Afghanistan: UK

Hizbullah ignores new freeze by US Treasury


Egyptian security forces boost security throughout the Sinai peninsula


Five years after 9/11 attacks, Jemaah Islamiyah still a threat


A militia leader in Baidoa called on the interim government to leave peacefully or they will be ejected by force. Somalia’s Islamic leaders, including Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys and Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, are headed to Libya to visit Gadhafi. The ICU will only accept an Islamic constitution. The United Nations will reopen its office […]


NWFP Governor Orakzai say “hundreds” of al Qaeda are currently in North Waziristan, and claims the U.S., France and Germany were privy to negotiations with the Taliban. The Waziristan truce could be model for Afghanistan, says British diplomats. A bombing in Baluchistan kills six people.

Hundreds of al Qaeda-linked foreign militants in the tribal area of North Waziristan

2 al Qaeda CDs recovered from LeT members showing training camps on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border


Briefing with Maj. Gen. Thomas B. Turner II, commander of MNF-N Iraq


Annan: Syria promises to stop arms shipments to Hezbollah


Pakistani Leader Admits Taliban Cross into Afghanistan


Witnesses: IDF troops seize six men in southern Lebanon

The Afghan Insurgency

Operation Medusa update, Taliban IEDs and safe havens The Royal Canadian Regiment presses the fight against the Taliban holed up in the Panjwai district of Kandahar in southeastern Afghanistan. In the latest round of fighting, 21 Taliban have been killed and the Taliban is concentrating its forces in the Pashmul section of Panjwai. “The insurgents […]


Iraqi Army Targets Anti-Iraqi Forces In Multiple Raids


Sudan: U.N. Mission Reports More Violence in Darfur


Two bombs detonate at a mosque and market in the town of Malegaon. At least 40 were killed and 65 wounded. The Indian government is sending over 3,500 police and security forces to the region. On Tuesday, the Indian Prime Minister warned terrorist attacks will increase.


Canadian troops are establishing forward positions in the Panjwai district of Kandahar; 700 Taliban are said to be surrounded, 21 Taliban were killed. The Taliban claim responsibility for a suicide bombing in Kabul that killed 18. The target was a U.S. convoy near the embassy. Afghan police beat back a Taliban attack in Wardak, killing […]


44 killed in Iraq as US begins military handover


Operation Medusa Update i Canadians digging into positions in Panjwai

Two New As Sahab Productions: 9-11 & al-Muhajir

Al-Qaeda releases a 9-11 “commemoration” video tape and an audiotape of Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, its commander in Iraq Banner announcing al Qaeda’s latest videotape. As Sahab, al Qaeda’s media/propaganda arm, has been on a media blitz this summer. The latest two releases, an audiotape from Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, al Qaeda in Iraq’s commander, and a […]


President Musharraff claims “neither the government nor ISI is helping the Taliban,™ while Afghan President Karzai says “we will wait and see” abut the Waziristan truce and the ability to stem the flow of the Taliban. AQ Khan is in Karachi for surgery. Two LeT members confess to targeting ex-Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee as well […]