Monthly Archives: September 2006

Al Qaeda

US: Man Who Knew Bin Laden Now Just Wants Normal Life


Yemen tribesmen kidnap 5 French tourists – official


Four held in Turkey with suspected Qaeda links


Khaddafy Janjalani, Southeast Asia’s Most Wanted Terrorists To Be Captured Soon

Canadian Forces Deal Taliban Another Blow in Kandahar (Updated)

Operation Medusa nets another 186 Taliban; initial report of bombmaking cell in Kabul confirmed The Taliban in the Panjwai district west of Kandahar City have suffered another round of massive casualties. The Royal Canadian Regiment, combined with Coalition air power, killed 186 Taliban fighters dug into fixed positions in the Pashmul region during two sperate […]


Security agencies pursue Bajrang Dal, Bangla links to Malegaon


The Taliban has broken the truce in Waziristan by killing “a 70-year-old tribesman… for allegedly spying for the Americans.” British Diplomats claim the Waziristan truce is a “model” solution for Afghanistan. The Pakistani government is refuting the latest claim that Mullah Omar is in Quetta. Mohammad Rizwan, a member of Jaish-e-Mohammad, was arrested.


The Islamic Courts closed a radio station in Jawhar and banned music. Hundreds protest the murder of an unarmed man said to have been killed by an ICU member. The UN has arrived in Mogadishu to negotiate the resumption of aidprograms.


India will not enter Bangladesh to destroy terrorist camps


Pakistan’s Government Denies Latest Report About Taliban Leader in Pakistan


The majority of the day’s violence has occurred in and around Baghdad. The first day of a Shiite holiday in Karbala ended with incident. Prime Minister Maliki will travel to Iran.


Indian Police may have discovered explosives used in the Malegaon terror attack. Digital timers are said to have been used. Members of India’s Muslim community protested the attacks and blame Pakistan’s ISI. “The blasts are aimed at creating a rift between Muslims and Hindus.”

Sri Lanka fighting kills 20 soldiers, troops take territory


Israeli forces clash with militants in south Gaza