Monthly Archives: September 2006


The Taliban violates the ‘truce’ yet again. A headless body was discovered in South Waziristan and another tribal elder who “maintained good relations with Afghan officials” was killed. The pro-Taliban and al Qaeda MMA party denounces claims Osama bin Laden is in the tribal areas. Pakistan’s Foreign Office claims the deal in Waziristan was between […]


U.S. Forces capture HIG chief and al Qaeda ally Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. Afghan and Coalition forces retake Garmsir in Helmand province, killing 20 Taliban. NATO requested reserve force of 1,000 troops over 18 months ago.

The Black Guard

al Qaeda’s praetorian guards and al Qaeda high command the target of the March 2006 strike at Danda Saidgai Osama bin Laden escorted by the Black Guard. Click image to view. Task Force 145, the special operations group responsible for the hunt for al Qaeda in Iraq leadership and the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, […]

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar Reported Captured [Updated]

The initial report was incorrect, Hekmatyar has not been captured, see the correction for details. On the day of the fifth anniversary of the 9-11 attack, Coalition forces score a high value target in Afghanistan. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the commander of Hezb-i-Islami and ally of al Qaeda and the Taliban, has been captured during a joint […]


Cyprus finds air defense systems on Syria-bound ship


The Islamic Courts are training recruits in the in Middle Jubba region, about 500km south of Mogadishu. An email chain in private security contractor circles indicates the U.S. is conducting black operations inside Somalia. IGAD continues to plan to deploy a Somali peacekeeping force.


Sudan: More Bombs Dropped On North Darfur Villages


Sunday’s Taliban death toll has been revised upwards to 186 (see related post, which has been updated). Canada is sending an additional 15 tanks and 120 troops to Afghanistan. The Afghan Ambassador to the U.S. says Osama “is spending most of his time in Pakistan.” A suicide bomber strikes at the funeral of Hakim Taniwal, […]

Poll: More Palestinians support terrror


One militant eliminated, three surrender in Chechnya


Broader Implications of the Malegaon Bombing

Sri Lankan troops, LTTE in heavy fighting


Afghan governor’s success ‘made him a target’

An interview with Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai


U.S. troops move into Sadr City as well as the Baghdad’s southern neighborhoods of Bay’aa and Risala. MNF-Baghdad soldiers detained 49 suspected insurgents last week. U.S. units are actively searching for militias posing as police in Baghdad. Iraq’s Vice President calls for Sunnis to accept the national reconciliation.

The Taliban breaks the “Waziristan Accord”

The Taliban take retribution against pro-American “spies” and “collaborators” The federally Administered Tribal Areas and North West Frontier Province. Click to enlrage. The purge of anti-Taliban tribal elements has begun in the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan, formerly as the Pakistani tribal agency of North Waziristan. The “Waziristan accord” specifically prohibits the extra judicial killings of […]

Al Qaeda

The full version of the as-Sahab 9/11 anniversary video, “The Manhattan Raid,” was released this afternoon. Global Crisis Watch has copies of the video (in two parts) and an analysis. “As-Sahab Media has now begun to promote… a new video of al Qaeda operations chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, according to Global Crisis Watch.


Extending Canada™s mission in Afghanistan ‘right thing to do™