Monthly Archives: September 2006


French roll out tanks for U.N. force in Lebanon


The U.S. Embassy in Syria was attacked by what the Syrian government described as Islamic extremists. A car bomb was detonated, and as many as 3 attackers and 4 Syrian guards were killed. Dr. Walid Phares questions the Syrian government, saying “Assad allows attack, offers “protection” and aims at confusion.”


(Chechnya) Movsar Isayev and Turpal-bek Bagayev Killed

Al Qaeda

Former Head of Islamic Center in Washington, D.C. on Iranian TV: ‘The 9/11 Events Were Planned by the American Administration’


Iraq Asks Iran to Stop Flow of Militants

Al Qaeda

Former Florida Resident and al Qaeda Operative Eludes FBI’s Net


Israeli judge orders the release of several Hamas MPs

Lankan army battle with Tamil rebels in northern Sri Lanka, kills 185


24 killed in stampede at Yemen election rally

Lanka, LTTE agree for peace talks in Oslo: mediator

A general’s new plan to battle radical Islam

The Great Taliban Turkey Shoot

Coalition and Afghan Forces continue to decimate Taliban elements in southern and eastern Afghanistan Map of ISAF Mission in Afghanistan. Click to Enlarge. There is a hidden war being fought in Afghanistan, a war where NATO forces are playing a large role in combating Taliban forces outside of the view of the Western press. A […]

Al Qaeda

Zawahiri’s Attack on Fellow Muslims and Threat Against Jordan


Syria foils “terrorist” attack on US embassy


Reports indicate Jemaah Islamyah leader Umar Patek has been killed in fighting. The MILF is working to confirm as well. Over 6,000 Filipino soldiers and 8 battalions are engaged in the fight. The Filipino Army has seized computers and documents of high intelligence value during the fighting. A former JI leader says the group has […]


al Qaeda has set up a cell in Sudan. Abu Hafs al-Sudani, the leader of al Qaeda in Sudan and Africa, claims to have beheaded a pro-government editor of a Sudanese paper. Sudan continues to bomb villages in North Darfur


Bosnia’s wartime president, the late Alija Izetbegovic, linked to al Qaeda


Muslim brothers found guilty in 1993 Mumbai blasts