Monthly Archives: September 2006


Briefing with Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq Barham Salih


Suspected international terrorist is deported to France


In a Volatile Region of Iraq, US Military Takes Two Paths


“Suicide bombers tried to strike two oil facilities in Yemen with explosives packed cars, but authorities foiled the attacks and at least two bombers were killed.” Four suicide vehicles were used.


A low level government official is kidnapped in North Waziristan by “masked gunmen.” A journalist was shot and killed in Dera Ismail Khan.

Al Qaeda

GSPC (the Algerian based Salafist Group for Call and Combat) has pledged allegiance to al Qaeda. Global Crisis Watch has the video and an analysis. A GSPC cell recently was disrupted while plotting to destroy the main synagogue and other targets in Oslo, Norway.

Al Qaeda

The Martyr’s Wedding – TV show about a young man is being symbolically wed to the ‘virgin’ that awaits him in heaven


Rebels say they may abandon Darfur pact, fight on

Senior al Qaeda Leader Killed, Another Captured

Task Force 145, the group tasked with hunting al Qaeda in Iraq, has been busy in Baghdad al Qaeda in Iraq’s Mujahideen Shura. The Iraqi Interior Ministry has announced the death of Abu Jaafar al-Liby, a senior al Qaeda commander during a raid in Baghdad. Four other terrorists were killed and two captured during the […]


U.S. forces raid a Sadr office in Diwaniya, the scene of a battle between the Iraqi Army and Mahdi Army last month. The Iraqi Interior Ministry states a high level al Qaeda commander Abu Jaafar al-Liby has been killed, and Coalition forces state another unnamed member has been captured.


The Army claims Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah ‘Terrorists [are] trapped in mountains’ in Sulu. Brigadier General Juancho Sabban said JI leader Umar Patek “died from the wounds he suffered” in battle. Chief General Hermogenes Esperon Jr. says there is “no evidence to verify the info that Patek and Janjalani have been killed.”

Al Qaeda

al Qaeda’s pointman in Lebanon: Abu Rushd al-Miqati


Fourteen Taliban were arrested in raid on a hospital in Quetta. A Pakistani official says the ‘Waziristan pact won™t stop surgical strikes™ against al Qaeda. Alexis Debat discusses the powerful Al Qaeda-Taliban network in Waziristan.

Sahara seen as potential terrorist breeding ground