Monthly Archives: September 2006

Al Qaeda

al Qaeda says it killed senior security official in Gaza

Podcast with Global Crisis Watch

I had the honor and privilege of co-hosting this week’s edition of Global Crisis Watch’s Podcast: Crisis in Southeast and Southwest Asia. Global Crisis Watch calls to Singapore and Chennai, tackling al Qaeda’s connection with Algeria’s GSPC, the hunt for JI terrorists in the Philippines, the rise of radicalism in Indonesia, the resurgence of the […]


“I will clear up misperceptions about Waziristan,” says President Musharraf. ‘There are no Taliban in Pakistan,’ says Maj Gen Shaukat Sultan. Taliban military commander Mullah Dadullah disagrees: “At the behest of the US, [Musharraf] waged war against the Taliban in Waziristan.”


The ICU targets interim president Abdullahi Yusuf with two bombs in Baidoa. The Islamic Courts killed a 13 year old boy and wounded three others while breaking up a group watching a soccer on television. The ICU also murdered a 70 year old Italian nun hours after the Pope spoke on Islam. An ICU linked […]


What Would War With Iran Look Like?


Iraqi soldiers conduct operations in Diwaniyah


With America’s top officer in Iraq on an inspection tour of Baghdad’s worst neighborhood.


Iraqi tribes in Anbar province have vowed to fight the insurgency and al Qaeda. 26 of 31 tribes have openly declared intent to fight the insurgency. “We held a meeting earlier and agreed to fight those who call themselves mujahedeen,” reports The New York Times

Associated Press and the Bilal Hussein case

New challenges on horizon as US expands role in Tanzania

Endorsing the Waziristan Accord

Taliban military commander Mullah Dadullah, U.S. State Department endorse the Waziristan Accord Mullah Dadullah on a tape aired by Al Jazeera. Taliban military commander Mullah Dadullah has spoken out about the “Waziristan Accord.” Dadullah, who was thought to have been captured this summer, explains that the Taliban in Waziristan should be focusing their energy outwards […]


Hezbollah chief Nasrallah calls for ‘victory’ rally in Beirut


IAEA clears Pakistan of Nuclear material trafficking


Al Qaeda involved in 1999 Indian airliner hijacking plot

Sri Lankan troops sink ship ferrying Tiger arms shipment


Somali scholar cleric calls on rally against Pope Benedict XVI

Southeast Asia emerges as key link in US terror fight


IDF nabs 3 infiltrators near Israel-Egypt border