Monthly Archives: September 2006


Assailants fire on Chechen parliamentary speaker’s house, wounding son and nephew


(Kuwait) Tribal MP indirectly supports bin Laden


Iran could have nuke bombs in 3 years -Israeli army


(India) Suspected Laskar-e-Toiba militants arrested

In Gaza, the Rule by the Gun Draws Many Competitors


(Algeria) “Army and security services behind reconciliation”

“Unfortunately, al Qaeda supports the Taliban, which gets help from Pakistan,” says a Dutch Colonel


The Islamic Courts will provide “military training needed to wage jihad” to students from 8th grade and up. Hassan Turki, wanted by the U.S. government, is openly operating in Somalia. The Somali interim government killed 6 and captured 2 suspects in the presidential bombing attack.


Mogadishu’s cleric rulers slowly reveal their agenda


Somalia: Aweys criticizes clan-based Islamic Courts


Azzam the American al Qaeda was spotted in South Waziristan last month. The Taliban violated the truce yet again and attacked a Pakistani Army outpost in South Waziristan. Two soldiers were “seriously wounded.” The Taliban also executed a tribesman.. A car bomb explodes near a police station in Peshawar. A roadside bomb injures 4, including […]


Chirac urges lifting UN sanctions threat on Iran


Chavez greets Iranian ally Ahmadinejad


Some Pakistani forces sympathetic to Taliban, Downer says


al Qaeda has conducted 3 suicide attacks in one day. Four Canadian soldiers were killed by a bicycle bomber in Pashmul. A suicide car bomber detonated at an ANA checkpoint in Kabul. The checkpoint was established to search for the car. Eleven were killed by a suicide bomber outside the main mosque in Heart. The […]


Israeli Army official: Imminent al Qaeda threat to Eilat

Al Qaeda

al Qaeda’s senior leadership is still directing terrorist operations around the world, and camps for prospective jihadists are flourishing in and around Afghanistan, according to Scotland Yard’s deputy assistant commissioner Peter Clarke. al Qaeda in Iraq’s Mujahideen Shura releases a statement condemning the Pope’s recent statements.

Suicide Strikes in Somalia

The first suicide bomber in Somalia targets transitional president and parliament as Somalia slides further into the hands of the al Qaeda backed Islamic Courts Map of Somalia, recent gains by the Islamic Courts marked in red. Click map to view. The Islamic Courts makes the first overt move against the weak transitional government of […]


Abu Yunos, a commander of Abu Sayyaf, was captured in the southern Philippines. Yunos has admitted to kidnapping and killing American citizens at Dos Palmas. Philippine police seized a large quantity of ammonium nitrate shipped from Jolo island, where the Army is clashing with Abu Sayyaf and JI. Five Marines and an unknown number of […]


Report: Militants freed from Israeli jails are behind 14 attacks


Newsweek claims Russia has won the Chechen war, and profiles Prime Minister Kadyrov. Russian police kill two senior Chechen leaders. Three more fighters surrender.


The Kremlin is hoping a young strongman can preserve its brutal victory in Chechnya


Russian Interior Ministry says 2 suspected militants killed in Chechnya


Canadian troops distributing gifts to children targeted by bomber, NATO says four of its soldiers killed

Islamists™ Rise Imperils Mideast™s Order