Monthly Archives: September 2006


Iran protests Turkey™s grounding of official plane


Israel says it will complete the withdrawal from Lebanon within days, despite the fact that the United Nations has yet to come close to raising and deploying the 15,000 additional UNIFIL troops. Hezbollah may have cracked Israel’s communications systems during the war. “The IDF will definitely have to operate in Gaza,” says IDF Chief of […]

Al Qaeda

Internet Jihadis React to Alleged Nuclear Plot on the United States

The Associated (with terrorists) Press – Bilal Hussein


Belgium ‘secretly’ had Turk militant arrested in Holland


An al Qaeda suicide campaign is underway in Iraq. An attack in a Ramadi market kills 13; 21 killed in Tal Afar; 25 killed in a Mosul market; and 7 on a strike on a Baghdad police headquarters.


Four members of Lashkar “sleeper cell” arrested in Gujarat

Al Qaeda

Jund al-Sham calls for Pope Benedict XVI to be punished under Islamic (‘Sharia’) law

US Navy boosting security off W.Africa


Abizaid says Iraq troop cut not imminent


“We believe [Osama bin Laden] is somewhere between Bajaur, Pakistan, and the province of Kunar in Afghanistan,” said President Musharraf at the United Nations. Zawahiri was the target of U.S. strikes in Damadola, Bajaur, and the agency is believed to be an al Qaeda command hub.


A Philippine marine was killed in fighting against Abu Sayyaf and JI in Sulu. The U.S. is increasing logistical support and training to the Army. The Philippine government is discussing negotiations with MILF.


Afghan police believe they have captured the Kabul al Qaeda cell. My sources in Kabul are skeptical. Eleven Taliban were killed by Afghan police during fighting in the south. ISAF and Afghan troops have launched Operation Wyconda Pincer in Farah province.

Al Qaeda

Musharraf: “We believe [Osama bin Laden] is somewhere between Bajaur, Pakistan, and the province of Kunar in Afghanistan”


Leaders of Banned Muslim Party Return to Algeria

Afghans say they net al Qaeda plotters in Kabul raid

Drawing the Battlelines in Anbar

A large majority of the Anbar tribes vow to fight al Qaeda in Iraq and the insurgency, plus, Losing Anbar? Iraq. Click map to view. While the news from western Iraq has focused on the partial leaking of a Marine intelligence report purportedly focusing on the inaccurate reports of the ‘loss of Anbar province’,’ a […]


Thailand President Thaksin Shinawatra declares state of emergency admid reports General Sondhi has attempted a coup. Tanks are said to be headed to Bangkok. There is no indication this is related to the southern insurgency. Thai news organization are said to have been taken over by the coup members, visit Bangkok Pundit for updates.


Iraqi officials release a letter from Attiyat al-Jaziri to Zarqawi, which highlights al Qaeda’s Command’s differences with Zarwaqi. Jihadi websites are buzzing with rumors that Ansar al-Sunnah will merge with al Qaeda in Iraq. The Iraqi government will assume full control over Dhi Qar province this week.


Money trap of terror industry in Jammu and Kashmir


Russian parliament to vote on bill to pardon Chechen militants