Telegraphing the punch – IDF moving into southern Lebanon

Southern Lebanon. Green indicates Israeli occupied; red IDF warned of operations. Click map to view.

The Israeli Defense Force is probing along the Lebanese frontier. Earlier today the IDF took control of Maroun al-Ras. Israeli army units have also occupied the towns of Yarum and Marwahin (Marwahin further west, and is currently occupied by the Herev battalion). The town of Bint Jubayl, described as the “‘Hezbollah capital’ in southern Lebanon”, is a strategic target in the south-central front. “Currently, the IDF is moving [towards Bint Jubayl] with fire and surveillance,” reports Ynet News.

The move into the central region of southern Lebanon was telegraphed by the Israeli Defense Force. Saturday evening (Israeli time) the IDF issued specific warnings to the residents of 14 towns to leave, as a military operation is eminent (Ynet News reports 13 villages, but then lists 14). I was able to identify the first 12 town on the list below (the alternative spelling is in brackets): Aitrun (Aytarun), Atiri (At Tiri), Barashit (Brashit), Beit Yahoun (Bayt Yahun), Bint Jubayl, Bleida (Blida), Einata (Aynata), Hadatiya (Haddathah), Hirbat Salim (Khirbat Slim), Majal Salim (Majdal Slim), Shakra (Shaqra), Yarun, Kontin and Kharsat a-Talab.

A quick look at the map shows the IDF is planning on driving up through the central region of Southern Lebanon likely all the way to the Litani River, splitting the southern region in two and cutting off the western supply lines from Syria. It should be clear that this may also be a sophisticated information operation, but based on the heavy fighting in the Avivim/Maroun al-Ras region over the course of several days, and the proximity of the ‘Hezbollah capital’, the IDF push looks legitimate. Due to the international scrutiny and condemnation of the Israeli air and ground offensive, the Israelis are forced to warn off the local population and compromise operational security. This is a harsh reality of modern war, where nations are under the microscope of the international media and the “insurgent” information operations are not recognized by the media.

The Israeli Air Force also dropped leaflets warning the residents to evacuate the entire region south of the Litani River: “To residents of villages south of the Litani River: due to the terror incidents being carried out from within your villages and homes against the State of Israel, the IDF is forced to respond immediately, even within the villages. You are all asked to evacuate the villages immediately for your own welfare. The State of Israel.”

Hezbollah prefers the civilians to stay. The IDF states Hezbollah has prevented residents from leave the villages. Hezbollah is using the townspeople as human shields, running up civilian casualties and increasing the international condemnation of the Israeli operation. “In two villages, exchanges of fire between residents and Hizbullah have broken out.”

With thanks to Belmont Club’s Richard Fernandez for starting the map and providing some of the information in this post. See “The Path of the IDF” for additional information on the Israeli invasion in southern Lebanon.

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.

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