Created by Steve Schippert, Marvin Hutchens and Bill Roggio
The pace and tempo of operations in western Iraq have been increasing over the past month, indicating the Anbar Campaign is moving forward. The disclosure of Operation Sayaid signals the Coalition is now prepared to move on the towns and cities along the western branch of the Euphrates River. The following presentation highlights the significant operations in Ninawa and Anbar provinces from August 27 through September 17, 2005. The operations are designed to keep al Qaeda and the insurgency from operating freely in Western Anbar and preventing them from establishing safe havens, or in the case of Tal Afar, removing a main enemy base and transit point. Many high level al Qaeda commanders have been killed or captured in the operations. Click the map view the presentation.
Note: Macromedia Flash Player should be installed to view this presentation.

Bill have you heard anything about this?
Shiites fleeing Sunni dominated neighborhoods of Baghdad
BAGHDAD, Iraq – (KRT) – The ethnic cleansing of Baghdad neighborhoods is proceeding at an alarming and potentially destabilizing pace. Some Shiite Muslim residents in predominantly Sunni Muslim Baghdad neighborhoods are fleeing their homes because they say the country’s violence and sectarian tensions have reached their front doors, forcing them to move into more homogenous communities.
Government officials and academic experts agree that the virtual expulsion of some ethnic groups from mixed communities is troubling and threatens the nation’s stability, which depends on a degree of ethnic harmony. Some worry the purges are setting the early stages of civil war, saying that homogenous neighborhoods could become future battlegrounds in the capital.
Indeed, some government officials concede that insurgents, mainly Sunnis, are controlling parts of Baghdad. “Civil war today is closer than any time before,” said Hazim Abdel Hamid al Nuaimi, a professor of politics at al-Mustansiriya University in Baghdad. “All of these explosions, the efforts by police and purging of neighborhoods is a battle to control Baghdad.”
“To the extent that families are moving out, neighborhood by neighborhood, that itself is a sign of civil war,” said Noah Feldman, a constitutional expert at New York University who visited Iraq in 2003 with American officials.
Also I would like to say that this presentation is incredible. Great job.
Justin –
I’d take the Knight-Ridder articles with a litle salt. Hannah Allem usually does good reporting for them, but Tom Lasseter and Nancy Youssef are committed ant-war/anti-Bush individuals. It;s been my experience that their reporting is decidedly negative. e.g., regular MSM.
Many congrats on the great visual presentation…excellent job gentlemen.
Thanks, MH. We appreciate that very much and value your feedback.
Excellent point.
Cheers all.
Thanks much, Justin. For not thanking you in the above, you can take one good swipe at me with a bamboo pole and I’ll just have to sit here & take it.. 😉
Cheers. (…again…)
Good presentation Bill
Great presentation! Can we hope that it might become an ongoing feature ???? September 18th to the 28th… 1 week or 10 days at a time or whatever is doable from now on.
One other comment… it is great, but slow the next way down in changing from slide to slide for easier reading. (If you decide to do another one, I mean)?
Great presentation!
How about putting it in a format (MPEG) that viewing may be controlled?
Excellent presentation.
Bill, Steve, Marvin:
Great work guys! Your time spent on this has paid off.
All the best,
We will be releasing an updated version to make this more viewable. Thanks for the feedback, everyone.
Great posts today- and for the past couple of months. The outcome in Iraq has been of great concern to me since this phenonemenol undertaking began.
This site is my first stop each day. You are providing us with news that no one else seems willing or able to convey. As a result -and because of the undeniable demographics- I remain optimistic – despite the naysaying.
In the meantime and for future reference:
Pausing Without a Pause Button
You can pause just about any audio/video playback in a browser (IE or Firefox) by right-clicking over the playback area and un-shecking the “Play” item in the menu that pops up.
Resume playing from that point by right-clicking again and clicking “Play” again.
You’ll have viewable controls within this presentation soon. As Bill said, we’re working on it as we speak.
Thanks for the constructive feedback!
(We listen closely.)
Oh…and for those who know me as USMC_Vet [old Belmont friends?], my wife calls me Steve Schippert. Usually.
Doing What The MSM Refuses To Do
TBSC member Steve Schippert (USMC_Vet) has been a bit busy lately. As many of you know his first love is blogging about the war on terror with politics as a close second. Much of what he writes here at…
NATO Reports All 26 Nations Are Aiding Iraq With Training
Iraqi Forces Show Signs Of Progress In Offensive
Horn of Africa Force Seeks to Win Friends, Prevent Terrorism
First, let me congratulate The Forth Rail team for their work. Well done ! I’m looking forward to see new versions of this file, which could become an accurate monthly report on WOT.
Second, I found this on cnn…:
If the report is correct, we have 5 dead terrorists – camouflaged into “insurgents” not to be recognized by MSM – and one detained. Very good.
But (…) 3 soldiers/police dead, 7 wounded, air support called in…. at this rate the Iraqi battalions will have to be replenished very often, not mentioning the huge costs of this kind of operation.
I can understand if the 6 terrorists were hardcore veterans, but I’m afraid there were not. The fact that their kidnapped victim manage to escape somehow prove this.
Reflections on the Flash Presentation on The Anbar Campaign
Bill Roggio, Marvin Hutchens, and Steve Schippert from The Word Unheard (who is revealing his name for the first time) have created a Flash presentation of recent operations in Iraq, specifically in the West, along the Syrian border. I know…
Recent Operations in Iraq – Flash Presentation
The Fourth Rail has an excellent flash presentation on Recent Operations in Iraq that is highly recommended….
“at this rate the Iraqi battalions will have to be replenished very often”
The Iraqi battalions grow at the rate of about 5,000 per month.
Coaltion Troops Wiping Out Al-Quaeda Forces In Iraq
Bill Roggio at The Fourth Rail has an excellent Flash presentation, documenting recent operations in the Western provinces in Iraq. Many foreign terrorists are captured. Most are obliterated. Go view the presentation here. h/t: Memeorandum…
Ultimately Rookie, if it came to that (and it WILL NOT) look at the Gross Numbers: 60% Shia, 20% Kurds, 20% Sunni Arabs.
In reality, there are millions of Sunni Arabs who DO NOT support the Terrorists. Even if they did, they hold a losing hand.
Forwarded your post and flash presentation to my local papers. Looking forward to the response.
Yes people, but are you not worried about this kind of events? Not speaking that lifting up several Apaches and launch expensive ammunitions to kill 6 ragheads will cost you, US, a bunch? In five minutes their 6 proud mothers are going back-alley and create a new lot of suicide bombers…
Not all Sunnis are supporting terrorists, that’s correct. But also enough Shia’s are, only not the same terrorists. Basra will develop really ugly if Brits are forced to leave, mainly because their “no see, no hear, no speak” policy.
I saw the soldiers who escaped from that tank. Brave young lads. Imagine that something like Fallujah was happening, what they did to those contractors…. no reprisals here possible, Shia will go up immediately. I’m really curious what those 2 Brits who got arrested did, if it was an Iranian setup to provoke exactly this. For Iran, facing laughable UN sanctions, it’s the right time to try something… now that Al Queda was smashed in the Western Iraq.
Sorry about pesimism, it’s in my nature. I know that many will disagree, but someone said that we must not forgot why US are in Iraq: to make US and world safer, to deny safe heavens to terrorists. Establishing a prosperous democracy is a bonus, but if I look back at how Europeans are behaving now after WW2 and Marchall plan, don’t expect too much gratitude in the future.
Long post, sorry. Hope it makes some sense.
Robert M: “Looking forward to the response”
[crickets] 🙂
There is so much the media could be doing here. These operations can be a confusing string of names and places, but there is an opportunity to tell the story to the American public, to inform us of the plan US and Iraqi forces have, of the skill they…
Theater of War
During World War II, the New York Times and other major dailies would provide graphical representations of battles. Apparently, they don’t have the technology to do that these days. Luckily, Bill Roggio has–with the help of Einstein’s ghost, a nucle…
So we should pack up and go home because it’s hard, Rookie?
That’s what you are suggesting.
Forget the ‘replenishing rate’ or ‘enlistment rate’. Your argument doesn’t even get that far with me. Your argument hinges upon an attitude of defeat and the path of least resistance.
I reject that emphatically, energetically, confidently and completely. Period.
Furthermore, while appreciation or ‘much gratitude in the future’ is rewarding in its own right, it is by no means a basis of determining what action is the correct action to take.
Rookie, you are traveling from New York to Denver, yet determining your travel route based on a map of Los Angeles.
I have but 5 minutes of internet access today and this is what I read?
Now, go back and continue to argue about the freeways of Los Angeles. I’ll call you from Denver when we get there.
"Recent Iraq Operations - A Flash Presentation"
For those of you interested in war coverage that goes beyond the typical legacy media casualty reports and ideological framed "adversarial" narratives, check out this presentation of operations that took place Aug 27-Sep 17th in the We…
Examine Iraq Military Operations For Yourself
Civilian blogger Bill Roggio (of The Fourth Rail) and his partners Steve Schippert and Marvin Hutchens created this Power Point style presentation which follows recent military operations in the Anbar Province of Iraq. Those who are fascinated by the …
[crickets] 😐
News From Iraq
For the past week I’d been looking for news from the war aside from the MSM’s casualty reports. Jeff Goldstein pointed out that Bill Roggio did a great recap for the past month’s operations in a Flash presentation. Go watch it.
News From Iraq
For the past week I’d been looking for news from the war aside from the MSM’s casualty reports. Jeff Goldstein pointed out that Bill Roggio did a great recap for the past month’s operations in a Flash presentation. Go watch it.
Bill, really, really nice job.
Thursday Winds of War: 22 September 05
Welcome! Our goal at Winds of Change.NET is to give you one power-packed briefing of insights, news and trends from the global War on Terror that leaves you stimulated, informed, and occasionally amused every Monday…
Iraqi Operations & The MSM Bias
Bill Roggio, Marvin Hutchens, and Steve Schipperthave put together a great presentation on the recent engagements in Western Iraq, near the border.
Don’t need to get so upset, and only in 5 minutes… Sorry I did not responded earlier, as I saw you waited for a comment, I worked 13 hours yesterday… hence the crickets…
I’m worried about proficiency and costs. I do not advocate retreat, but “rentability”. I’m not US citizen, and I must say that everywhere I go, in Europe, Asia, Africa (except Denver, never was in USA) I’m a tiny minority with my views. The others? Peace lovers talk: “I hope Iran will use Sunburn missiles to destroy US army”, “I really wish someone to nuke NY”, “9/11 was designed by US”. Don’t fool yourself focusing just on Iraq.
From your site I saw a description of yourself, and I salute your sacrifice. As a soldier, it’s obvious you’re trained to think positive, to keep morale high.
At some point, the costs of war will reach the critical mass, exploited by the terrorist’s 5th column in US. Pression will be higher and higher. Pression from 30 moonbats in Washington DC who get all media attention. Then 100, then 500. On TV, they will look like 5.000.000. This is what moderate people are seeing, there are not millions reading this blogs. And then they vote.
Most of the people thoughts are passing through their stomachs. How many from normal people in US will say ummmm… I have a rough life here, and we are spending hundreds of thousands to kill 6 terrorists. Proficiency, I say. Kill 100 with 100.000 and minimum casualties. Let them spin that.
How? I have no clue… I have the wrong map :(. Besides, I’m 98.5% civilian.
Great job Bill! Thanks! The Troops thank you!
Side Note: quoting an article from the duluth superior paper, why not just cut the bull and quote Air unAmerica.
Iraq Info
Want to know what’s really going on in Iraq? Start by reading Bill Roggio’s The Fourth Rail on a regular basis. Bill has an informative Flash presentation detailing major coalition operations this month, and is constantly cranking out interesting analy…