Popular Resistance Committees statement

Analysis: Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades breaks with Liwa al-Tawhid

The Al-Nasser Salah al-Din Brigades, an ally of Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist organizations, announced that it has disavowed Liwa al-Tawhid, a longtime affiliate. While the reasons for the split are not clear, the division may present an opportunity for Israeli anti-terrorism efforts. Read more →

Mogadishu prison

Jihadis mount prison mutinies across Africa

Over the last few days, jihadis have mounted two attacks inside prisons in Somalia and Niger. While the mutiny inside the Nigerien prison was successful, the Somali prison assault appears to have been thwarted. Nonetheless, both incidents highlight the lingering threat of jihadi prison breaks on the continent and the importance jihadist groups put on such operations. Read more →

IDF tank operating in Shejaiya

IDF releases its first probe into October 7 failures as the Shejaiya raid ends

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released the first of a number of inquiries into the failures during the battles against Hamas terrorists in communities along the border of Gaza on October 7, 2023. The first inquiry focused on Kibbutz Beeri, where 101 civilians were killed and 30 taken hostage. The IDF also ended a two-week raid into Shejaiya, and Israel's defense minister said 60 percent of Hamas terrorists had been eliminated in nine months. Read more →

Al Qaeda infrastructure in Afghanistan map

Analysis: Al Qaeda expands its network of training camps in Afghanistan

The United Nations Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team reports that Al Qaeda is operating training camps in two new Afghan provinces: Kandahar and Takhar. The terrorist group now operates training camps in 12 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces. Additionally, the Monitoring Team notes that Al Qaeda “still uses Afghanistan as a permissive haven under the Taliban.” Read more →

IDF soldiers in northern Gaza

IDF uncovers 6 tunnels in Gaza’s Shejaiya neighborhood; Hezbollah rockets kill 2 Israelis in the north

Two Israelis were killed in a Hezbollah rocket barrage targeting the Golan Heights on July 9. Hezbollah claimed the attack was in response to the killing of one of its members. Israel faces multi-front threats, including from the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen and Iranian-backed militias in Iraq. The IDF uncovered six tunnels in the Shejaiya neighborhood in north Gaza and demolished them, the IDF said on July 9. Read more →

Analysis: A greatly expanded arsenal means this is not the Hezbollah of 2006

Hezbollah has used the years since the 2006 Lebanon War to build and acquire a formidable arsenal of mortars, rockets, missiles, and drones integrated into a vast network of underground facilities and human shields. Analysis of Hezbollah’s arsenal suggests that a major war with the terrorist organization could present serious challenges for Israel, underscoring its need for adequate air and missile defense capacity and offensive munitions. Read more →

Generation Jihad Ep. 188 — Hostage diplomacy with terrorists

Bill and Joe catch up on headlines related to the war in Gaza and the additional Iranian-backed conflicts at Israeli borders, including a status update on the latest round of hostage negotiations, action in the West Bank, and how Israel should handle Tehran’s noose-tightening. They also discuss the recent sighting of a top Hezbollah military official and specially designated global terrorist at the funeral of a Hezbollah commander. Read more →

Gallant visits Mount Hermon

Hezbollah rocket barrage on Israel wounds several, including a US citizen

Hezbollah launched several barrages of rockets and anti-tank missiles at Israel on July 7. The attacks injured several people, including an IDF soldier, an Israeli civilian farmer, and a US citizen. Israel’s Minister of Defense visited Mount Hermon in the Golan Heights and said Hezbollah has lost 15 senior commanders, including three division commanders, in fighting over the last nine months. Read more →

Makkawi reward poster

Jihadi archives: Islamic State’s eulogy of Sudanese jihadist Mohamad Makkawi Ibrahim

In May 2016, the Islamic State (IS) issued a eulogy for the infamous Sudanese jihadist Mohamad Makkawi Ibrahim through its weekly Al-Naba newsletter. The eulogy flew under the radar at the time but offers an interesting look into the career of one of the Islamic State’s first so-called “martyrs” in Somalia. It also provides an early chronicle of the Islamic State’s history in the Horn of Africa. Read more →

IDF Mountain Brigade training

Hezbollah fires rockets at northern Israel after senior commander killed

The IDF eliminated Muhammad Nimah Nasser, the commander of Hezbollah’s Aziz Unit, the second senior Hezbollah commander eliminated in the last month. The IDF stated Nasser commanded a unit responsible for firing rockets and anti-tank missiles from southwestern Lebanon toward Israeli civilians. A new Israeli Mountain Brigade also completed a training in northern Israel. Read more →

Generation Jihad Ep. 186 — A conversation with Lieutenant General Sami Sadat

Bill and Will Selber are joined by Lieutenant General Sami Sadat who among many other roles served as deputy commander of the Afghan ground forces and later the deputy chief of staff of the Afghan National Army. Now, he leads the Afghan United Front. They discuss America’s role in giving the Taliban the upper-hand that ultimately led to the collapse of Kabul; the vital role of morale during war; just how established Al Qaeda is inside Afghanistan and whether the Taliban-Al Qaeda relationship got stronger after U.S. withdrawal; and more. Read more →

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