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SAM used in Syria

Video appears to show a Syrian government helicopter being struck by a guided surface to air missile. CJ Chivers offers context and an additional video of the helicopter at the NYT At War blog.

READER COMMENTS: "SAM used in Syria"

Posted by m3fd2002 at December 2, 2012 4:28 PM ET:

There have been reports it was a sa-16 that was captured from base 46. There are claims that the chopper had general staff on it, and was targeted after it left a besieged airbase. I've stated in the past that an air campaign in syria would be quite costly for NATO. I've since changed my mind, given that a large portion of the syrian air defense network is no longer functioning, and a
a lot of it is in rebel hands, including the major damascus node (M1). Not that I'm condoning any intervention. Let them battle it out (red on red).