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Kandahar massacre witnesses


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An AP slideshow at the Denver Post titled "Witnesses of an Afghan Massacre," features civilians giving testimony about the actions of US Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales in Panjwai district, Kandahar province, Afghanistan:

Zardana, 11, sits as she talks in Kandahar, Afghanistan on Monday, April 22, 2013 about a pre-dawn last year when a U.S. soldier burst into her family's home. Zardana said her visiting cousin saw the soldier chasing them and ran to help, but he was shot and killed. "We couldn't stop. We just wanted somewhere to hide. I was holding on to my grandmother and we ran to our neighbors." (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus)

Bales entered a guilty plea for the massacre during his trial on Wednesday, and will avoid the death penalty.

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