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Greenhouse inspection


US soldiers inspect a greenhouse in Mahmod-e Raqi district in Kapisa province, Afghanistan, Dec. 28, 2011. The soldiers are assigned to the Kentucky National Guard Agribusiness Development Team 3. US Army photo by Specialist Amber Leach.

READER COMMENTS: "Greenhouse inspection"

Posted by Nic at January 5, 2012 12:05 PM ET:

Hoop-houses were a big hit in Iraq because they are inexpensive, simple, easy to construct and, when combined with drip irrigation, could make a small area of land very productive. The green house also extends the growing season to further improve food production. The Special Inspector General For Iraq Reconstruction Report to the United States Congress January 30, 2009 mentions the Farmer's Union Hoop House project which delivered 28 hoop-houses. Other projects delivered 116 hoop-houses. If only peace could break out, Iraq and Afghanistan could be covered with hoop-houses and life greatly improved.